Thursday, January 9, 2014

Recommended Reading

I am such a nerd. I always have a book in hand, and my reading list for 2014 is probably two miles long. Lately, I like books that are beneficial to me in some way shape or form. Whether it's a good Christian fiction book that boosts my spirit, a book on frugality, or a devotional, my goal for 2014 is to do my best to put mostly things that inspire me to be better in my life.
So I came up with a list of books that have helped make my life just a little bit more amazing. All of these links are from Amazon, where I have found the best deals on books, if you don't mind buying used.


This book is seriously one of the most amazing books in the world. David Platt has such a blunt, zealous approach to his relationship with God. Radical inspires you to go a little bit deeper than ordinary with your Christian life.

America's Cheapest Family
So many bloggers have raved about this book, I am just a statistic ;) But seriously guys, this book is absolutely awesome. The Economides provide such great tips for all areas of your life, from vehicles to groceries to childcare. No matter what your level of "frugality" is, by applying these tips, you will greatly benefit.

Redeeming Love
Redeeming Love isn't a new book by any means, but it is such a Christian Fiction classic. This is a fictional take on the story of Hosea in the Bible, so expect your views to be changed. This book not only fueled my love for God, but also my love for my sweet husband as well. I plan on reading this book again in 2014..once..or twice :)

Miserly Moms
Yes, another frugality book :) This book was such a great resource for me, when I unexpectedly got thrust into the world of being a stay at home wife. Jonni McCoy has so many great "coming-home" stories and tips for wives. She has good recipes and thrifty ways to have fun! If you are at all considering becoming a "one-income-family" this book is for you.

Fly-lady's Sink Reflections
         Ah, FlyLady. This woman is the cleaning guru for those of us who need to have a routine to stay on track. Seriously, since I started following her principles and routine suggestions, my house has gotten so much more organized.

I have read a lot more books in 2013, but these are the few that have influenced me the most. I am currently looking for new books to add to my list, so give me suggestions! :)

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