Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What I'm Reading This Month-January Edition!

So; as apart of my "renovation" process for 2014, I chose to bring mainly books that edify or teach me things to my reading list! Being the nerd I am, I have a pretty good start on what I want to read this month/year! It's hard to divide it up :)
Ashley over at Christian Wife Life is having a monthly link up with other bloggers as well as a pretty sweet giveaway, so follow this link: What I'm Reading Link Up and link your blog post (or comment on her post if you don't have a blog) and let everyone know what books are on your hit list!

First on my list:
I am a huge Karen Kingsbury fan, and I have never found a single book of hers that didn't leave me wanting another one. This book, I have been hearing lots about! Music + my favorite author = one excited me :)


Obviously I have read this book before, but I wanted to re-read it as I am in a classics mood lately. Plus, it just seems like a "wintery" book.

So I have been hearing a bunch about this book as well, and I saw it at my local thrift store, and decided to give it a shot. I have heard Francis Chan speak at the One Thing Conference 2013, via my lovely laptop, and loooveddd what he had to say. Another radical approach to the Word. Which I can always appreciate.

My reading list this month is a little short, because we are almost halfway through January already! Can you believe it? My favorite book from last month/year however was : Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I have never felt the presence of God like I did reading this book. This is the most amazing book on my shelf. Can't wait to see what you all choose for your January reading lists! :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Dear Friday ♥

Dear Friday, You took long enough to get here! I am looking forward to what you have to offer today.

Dear SparkPeople's BabyFit; Is it too late to be jumping on the healthy bandwagon? I swear, I have a mostly good excuse..

Dear Morning Sickness, I thought I broke up with you somewhere in the second trimester..guess you can't get enough of me.

Dear Hubby, you have been sooo sweet to me this week. I can't wait till I get to cuddle with you and make you breakfast tomorrow :)

Dear Micaiah, you are such a little kicker this week. Seeing your precious little face this week via ultrasound was probably the most amazing experience of my life. I can already see so much of Daddy and I in you! You are nothing short of perfection.

Dear God, Thanks for all the amazing blessings <3

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Recommended Reading

I am such a nerd. I always have a book in hand, and my reading list for 2014 is probably two miles long. Lately, I like books that are beneficial to me in some way shape or form. Whether it's a good Christian fiction book that boosts my spirit, a book on frugality, or a devotional, my goal for 2014 is to do my best to put mostly things that inspire me to be better in my life.
So I came up with a list of books that have helped make my life just a little bit more amazing. All of these links are from Amazon, where I have found the best deals on books, if you don't mind buying used.


This book is seriously one of the most amazing books in the world. David Platt has such a blunt, zealous approach to his relationship with God. Radical inspires you to go a little bit deeper than ordinary with your Christian life.

America's Cheapest Family
So many bloggers have raved about this book, I am just a statistic ;) But seriously guys, this book is absolutely awesome. The Economides provide such great tips for all areas of your life, from vehicles to groceries to childcare. No matter what your level of "frugality" is, by applying these tips, you will greatly benefit.

Redeeming Love
Redeeming Love isn't a new book by any means, but it is such a Christian Fiction classic. This is a fictional take on the story of Hosea in the Bible, so expect your views to be changed. This book not only fueled my love for God, but also my love for my sweet husband as well. I plan on reading this book again in 2014..once..or twice :)

Miserly Moms
Yes, another frugality book :) This book was such a great resource for me, when I unexpectedly got thrust into the world of being a stay at home wife. Jonni McCoy has so many great "coming-home" stories and tips for wives. She has good recipes and thrifty ways to have fun! If you are at all considering becoming a "one-income-family" this book is for you.

Fly-lady's Sink Reflections
         Ah, FlyLady. This woman is the cleaning guru for those of us who need to have a routine to stay on track. Seriously, since I started following her principles and routine suggestions, my house has gotten so much more organized.

I have read a lot more books in 2013, but these are the few that have influenced me the most. I am currently looking for new books to add to my list, so give me suggestions! :)