Dear Friday, You took long enough to get here! I am looking forward to what you have to offer today.
Dear SparkPeople's BabyFit; Is it too late to be jumping on the healthy bandwagon? I swear, I have a mostly good excuse..
Dear Morning Sickness, I thought I broke up with you somewhere in the second trimester..guess you can't get enough of me.
Dear Hubby, you have been sooo sweet to me this week. I can't wait till I get to cuddle with you and make you breakfast tomorrow :)
Dear Micaiah, you are such a little kicker this week. Seeing your precious little face this week via ultrasound was probably the most amazing experience of my life. I can already see so much of Daddy and I in you! You are nothing short of perfection.
Dear God, Thanks for all the amazing blessings <3
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